This is the official blog site of Land of God Evangelical Drama and Film Ministries (LOGEMmin.) based in Ogun State, Nigeria. Motto: Acting the Word in God's Land by Faith Contact us @ 07038568584, 08063044454.

Monday, 8 June 2020



I was shocked to my marrows when I got to the place and discovered that Hegai had actually given me the most luxurious apartment in the Harem.
Not only that, he also gave me 7 girls from the palace as personal maids to attend to all my needs!!!
This was beyond my imaginations, it's simply unbelievable!!!

As if that was not enough, I was treated with a great deal of care and caution...I couldn't eat anyhow, dress anyhow or speak anyhow (I wasn't permitted to grow wildly... eunuch Hegai saw to it that I ate nothing apart from the special menu he ordered for me and he was always there to remind me the reason for which I was brought to the palace...I was practically shut out from what seems like 'enjoyment' to others but as far as Hegai was concerned, they are frivolities that will shift my focus from the real thing for which I was brought to Shushan Palace -the throne!

I submitted totally to his moulding hands, trusting God in him that he is more experienced than I am...
Apart from the fact that Hegai has been trained in doing this, I believed that God is not wicked, No! He is ever loving and His thought towards me are of PEACE and not of EVIL to give me a GLORIOUS FUTURE!

GOD IS ever Faithful and I'm sure HE wouldn't have allowed me to be brought to the palace and into the hands of this particular eunuch if He doesn't have something important to bring out of it...
I trusted God and I obeyed every instructions without questioning Hegai's authority, I received every corrections with joy!

Hegai favoured me for the Beauty treatments...
And I need not forget that my Uncle had instructed me earlier before coming to the palace that I musn't tell anyone I'm a Jewess, as a result of this, it wasn't possible for anyone to trace my origin throughout my stay in the Harem. Even when the other virgins gossiped about me among themselves, they usually ends with '... no one even knows where she comes from...'

I must not forget to tell you that within a short time, the effect of the beauty treatment started reflecting on me in every aspect, making my skin to come out glowing and beautiful...I knew it was the result of my being separated from the rest, most especially because I was on a special diet different from what other virgins were feeding on...
I was growing to becoming the King's pride!!!πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

"I  need to let you know that even though my Uncle wasn't with me in the Harem, his words and instructions were always flooding my mind daily...
It's as If, I wore them inside my heart like a garment...(I learnt from him later that he came daily to the court of the Harem,  since they can't allow anyone to get into the main Harem, he would strolled to the court of the Harem to ask about my welfare...he never left me alone even when I couldn't see him, he was always there... every single day and I never knew it!).

The enduring months of treatments passed by slowly (seems like forever)...
The pain and discipline in the period of making that lasted for a whole year cannot (did I say cannot??? Infact, it CAN NEVER EVER...) be compared to the pain and sorrow that awaits any virgin who eventually ends in the hands of Shaashgaz, the eunuch in charge of another Harem meant for concubines... and there she will spend the rest of her life!

The thought of ending in the other Harem with eunuch Shaashgaz always sent cold shivers down the spines of all the virgins except mine... you wonder why???

 I had this strong confidence that I'm not meant for Shaashgaz harem! When I wake up each morning, I perceive the re-assuring voice of JEHOVAH deep down in my heart as I commune with Him in devotion that 'I AM MEANT FOR THE THRONE'!!!

Several days rolled into weeks and weeks into months with the news of virgins in large numbers, ending in Shaashgaz Harem!
I kept trusting in God and fed on nothing else aside the special menu ordered for me by Hegai...

My time to visit the King's Chamber eventually came...!

The fact that many in their hundreds or thousands had gone before me and had failed fairly or woefully didn't move me...

The wailing of the previous night by the last virgin before me, who failed to please the King didn't move me...

The fact that I didn't hear the gists of the latest walking steps from other virgins didn't move me...

That each of us have just a night to spend with the King did not move me either...

The only thing that moved my heart were the words of JEHOVAH spoken to me and displayed by the trainings of Hegai...they became the tune my heart sang to as I journeyed the path to my fulfilment according to God's purpose for my life...

(HEBREWS 12:11 πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‡
 For the time being no discipline brings joy, but seems grievous and painful; but afterwards it yields a peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it [a harvest of fruit which consists in righteousness--in conformity to God's will in purpose, thought, and action, resulting in right living and right standing with God.)



I need to let you know that each virgin is allowed to freely chose the kind of jewelry, clothes etc. she wish to put on to the King's Chamber for that night...what a great opportunity I hear you say??? Wait until I tell you what I did...

Despite the opportunity thrown at my feet at no cost at all...
I chose nothing aside what Hegai had recommended... dressing according to his instructions!

Other virgins that heard about my choice hissed and spat in disgust...many thought I was foolish... Some thought I was simply crazy...others thought I was just a waste!

As I walked towards the King's Chamber, all the girls exclaimed with delight when they saw me!
They never believed what they saw!

Some said 'no! She can't be! She's not the one'!
They argued and talked amongst themselves...
I wasn't moved by these either! I simply walked straight ahead, with one thing in only thought and goal pressed me on...that is... to please my KING!

As I walked on, some of them offered counsels, others spoke lovingly offering some of their beautiful trinkets and golden bracelets that could arouse the King's pleasure...
Others tried to teach me smart gestures that can easily win the heart of any man...

I paid no single attention to any of them...
Head up...eyes front...steps rightly placed one after the other just as I've been taught by Hegai, I walked to the King's Chamber...

My dear, the King showed me Grace and Favour,
He loved me far more than ALL the other virgins because I had greatly Pleased HIM!πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

I was overjoyed when HE placed the Royal Crown on my head and made me Queen!!!"πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ(Esther2:17)

Hmmm... let's thank God for Queen Esther's testimony...

Now...can we relate her story to ours today???

The truth is...every youth of this generation can be likened to the virgins in Esther's account...

We are all from different tribes, languages, nations or countries, colours and background...

God in His infinite Mercy has gathered us from different places, cultural background and practices...

God's great PROCESS of gathering is Salvation through Christ Jesus...
(John 3:16.πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰  "For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life.")

Everyone who has accepted this Great Offer of Salvation given to all mankind through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ immediately becomes a virgin of Christ...such a person becomes a new a creature -i.e  he/she is born again! (2 Corinthians 5:17πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰  Anyone who is joined to Christ is a new being; the old is gone, the new has come.)

 Being born again automatically grants us the privilege of becoming like Jesus, that we may fit in to the divine purpose of being partakers of God's Divine Nature with Christ Jesus

 Matthew 11:28-30 explains it further... (Mssg. Bible)πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."

The platform God uses to mould us for the THRONE is DISCIPLESHIP...

 DISCIPLESHIP is a platform God designed for us to learn Christ...It is a process, a carefully planned Scheme used by God in making every of HIS Genuine other words, it's part of the training process for every member of God's family!

It is a yoking with Jesus in order to learn of HIM, that is to become like HIM in all things...

I hear you say "must I be a disciple to become what God has designed me to be??? Afterall, I can decide what to do myself, I'm a Christian afterall???"
Listen, there were other virgins in the Harem too but the only person that pleased the King was Esther, because she was separated from the rest for her making by Hegai!
A proper making and moulding doesn't happen in the doesn't happen through a loose relationship

one can learn Him by have to be separated from the crowd in order to become something tangible and exceptional in your generation!

You don't have to 'choose' in  this matter, as a matter of fact, you are to release yourself to God's Faithful Hands and trust HIM to give you an Hegai for your making...a discipler (if only you will humbly ask HIM)!

God knows what is good for you and He has special gifts He want to give to you (just like the palace maids Hegai gave Esther in Esther 2:9) if only you will submit yourself for HIS making...

Let HIM make you HIS Beloved Queen as the King made Esther his queen by placing a royal crown on her head...

Your head is meant to wear HIS Royal Crown and nothing less...
But the truth is, you have to pass through the hands of an Hegai...

It will be too costly to miss or skip the process of one's making...

For Esther, it took her One year of general beauty treatment and longer period of waiting (maybe days, weeks or months) before her turn to spend the night with the King eventually came!

Why would you allow your impatience and Self-will to jeopardize the time of your making???
Remember there's time for everything under the sun!
Maximize your time by submitting to His moulding HANDS now!

Esther ignored the mockery and gossips of other virgins while waiting patiently with all humility and perseverance for her dear youth,  why did you jump out of your own making process because of a little moment of hardship or pressure from friends???

Esther would not allow the praise of the people about her appearance to rob her of the glory that awaits her as she walked on to the THRONE...dear friend, why did you allow yourself to be puffed up by the praise songs from sycophants which is aimed at distracting you from the path earmarked for you in Mercy by God Almighty???

I see you grumbling at every instructions given by the Hands God has given grace to have Spiritual oversight on your life... are you sure you want to get to the THRONE with this attitudes of yours???
Please have a quick re-think...

I hear you say 'You cannot allow yourself to be ordered around by anybody'...but do you remember that Esther was ordered around by an ordinary eunuch yet she graciously made the THRONE???

You complained every now and then about eating the same food for two days, claiming that you can't do without eating with meat/fish or certain even abandoned the food given you, chosing to eat junks in place of healthy food because you have a high taste???
I heard you can listen to worldly musics and listen to comedians for long but doesn't have time for God's Word and that Christian songs are too boring for you...
I wonder if you remember that Esther ate the same menu given by eunuch Hegai for a whole year! (Daniel also did the same...he fed on beans and water, while others were eating King's delicasies yet he became ten times better than the rest at the end of the day...Daniel 1:8,12).

Are you one of those Christians who makes jests or mockery of DISCIPLESHIP???
I pray you won't end up in Shaashgaz Harem made for concubines!!!

Will you join me in begging God for His divine moulding HANDS to perfect His making in our lives???
(and if you are yet to have an Hegai over your life, will you beg God right now for one???
I'm so certain He will surely give you in Mercy)...

Let's beg God to help our hearts to stay focused on HIM as we trust His Faithful Hands through the several Hegai HE Has given to make us into becoming like Jesus and that we may grow perfectly into a deeper COMMUNION WITH HIM as we await HIS GLORIOUS coming for HIS PRECIOUS BRIDE!!!

...I hope to hear your testimony too...God bless you richly in Jesus NameπŸ™
#ESTHER 2 VS 12#